Research Training Fellowship
OUCAGS (Oxford University Clinical Academic Graduate School)
This is an umbrella organisation for all medical trainees doing research. Those enrolled in PhDs or on the academic track can all participate. The School runs seminar series, a certificate or module in research practice, and various networking and speaker events. For more details see OUCAG's.
NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowships and Lectureships
These are opportunities for clinicians to develop their research career. The Fellowship programme (ACF) is for those who have some training behind them, but are pre-PhD. Around 25% of the 3 year period can be spent in research, with the aim of building links and generating some preliminary data for a PhD proposal. Some of these exist in specialties and some in core medicine - the research project does not have to be in the specialty itself - indeed cross specialty links are encouraged. The Lecturer grade (CL) is for those with a PhD behind them who are keen to develop their independent research career. These posts are for 4 years and are 50% research time. For more details visit OUCAG's.
Wellcome Trust DPhil programmes for clinicians
There is a locally run scheme for clinicians which provides funding for a 3 year DPhil, funded by the Wellcome trust. 5 students are funded per year in a range of specialties linked to 5 themes which are linked to basic science programmes. For more details see the Medical Science division website.
BRC funded DPhils
A locally run programme provides up to 3 DPhils positions a year for clinicians involved in research in a BRC related theme. The programme is run along similar lines to the Wellcome Trust programme above. For more details contact Denise Best.
National programmes for PhDs
The Wellcome Trust and MRC are the major organisations providing funding for 3 year PhDs for clinicians (Training Fellowships). In order to apply an applicant must present a clear programme of research in a lab which is able to provide excellent support. Similar schemes are also available for smaller specialist grant bodies.
One year charitable grants
Oxford has a number of smaller schemes which can provide funding for up to one year to allow clinicians to develop a research plan and preliminary data for a DPhil application. For more details on the timing of these please contact Paul Klenerman.