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To raise public awareness of research for International Clinical Trials Day (ICTD), Oxford University Hospitals (OUH), Oxford Health ...

To raise public awareness of research for International Clinical Trials Day (ICTD), Oxford University Hospitals (OUH), Oxford Health (OHFT) and the NIHR Clinical Research Network Thames Valley and South Midlands (CRN) asked for help to promote research through their Twitter and Facebook accounts on May 20th and the days leading up to it.

Participants were asked to write a message relating to their area of research. The photo shown below was linked to the social media platforms.

In the photo from left to right are:

Borgel Greenaway (Lab Technician), Cloe Vassart (Gastrointestinal Illness Biobanker) and James Chivenga (IBD cohort and database manager). They are all members of the Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford.

You can learn more about the TGU Biobank and our Team here:

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