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James Chivenga

IBD Cohort and Database Manager

Research interests:

I have had a long standing interest in human health research right from 2001 when I was doing malaria research and monitoring projects in Zimbabwe. In the UK I took a four year break from research during which I worked for a biological crop control company. I then joined the Cancer Epidemiology Unit here at Oxford University where I completed a Masters in Biotechnology.

Current projects:

I joined the TGU as a research assistant in Professor Uhlig's group in 2013.  In 2016 I became the IBD Cohort and Database Manager. I am heavily involved in patient consenting and the subsequent sample preparation, storage and shipping for the biobank. I also assist many researchers with their sample collection and clinical data searches as well as some sample preparation. This enables me to have great variety in my day to day work and a great appreciation of why we are conducting our various research projects.