Dr Clement Twumasi (PhD)
Contact information
Nuffield Department of Medicine, Experimental Medicine Peter Medawar Building for Pathogen Research, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3SY.
Research groups
Dr. Clement Twumasi
BSc, MPhil, PhD
Medical Statistician
- Full-time Medical Statistician, University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Medicine, Experimental Medicine (September 2023-date).
- Full-time Clinical Trials Statistician, Imperial College London, Imperial Clinical Trials Unit (Nov 2022-September 2023).
- Post-doctoral Biostatistics Research Assistant, University of Oxford, Department of Statistics (April 2022-September 2022).
- Biostatistics Research Assistant, Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Science, Oxford University (February 2022-April 2022).
- Cardiff University PhD Vice Chancellor's Scholar (October 2018-September 2021).
I support exciting research to advance understanding of vaccination in chronic disease and aging, and approaches for the prevention and treatment of persistent viral infections such as HIV/HBV/HCV.
Full Biography
Dr Clement Twumasi joined the Oxford University Nuffield Department of Medicine (Experimental Medicine) as a full-time Medical Statistician (starting September 4, 2023). This position at Oxford University NDM coupled with his outstanding academic track record (within and outside the UK), also helped him to successfully secure/receive the UK’s prestigious 3-year Global Talent Visa for Exceptional Talents (in the UK).
He will support exciting research to advance understanding of vaccination in chronic disease and aging, and approaches for the prevention and treatment of persistent viral infections such as HIV/HBV/HCV. Based at the Medawar Building for Pathogen Research, he will work with Professors Eleanor Barnes, John Frater and Paul Klenerman (NDM Experimental Medicine Division) and Professor Susanna Dunachie (Tropical Medicine) on projects within the scope of the ‘Vaccines in Chronic Disease and Aging’ subtheme of the Oxford Biomedical Research Centre theme ‘Life-saving Vaccines’. As a medical statistician, he also collaborates with the Oxford University Jenner Institute (where I provide statistical consulting services), and the Oxford Vaccine Group.
Prior to this new position at Oxford University, Dr Twumasi was a full-time Clinical Trials Statistician at the Imperial College London School of Public Health/Imperial Clinical Trials Unit. At Imperial College, he assisted in trials involving respiratory and cardiovascular infections (namely: MET-FINGER, ON-PACE, PROTECT-HF and NUC-B trials). Before joining Imperial College London, Dr Twumasi was a postdoctoral research assistant in Biostatistics at the Oxford University Statistics Department until September 2022. He completed his PhD in Mathematics at Cardiff University (from 2018 to 2021) as a Vice Chancellor's Scholar.
The overarching aim of his PhD research was to develop novel mathematical models to help better understand the spread of Gyrodactylus infection dynamics of three different parasite strains across three different populations of fish. It required the development of novel agent-based stochastic simulation models and sophisticated mathematical models (including but not limited to time-inhomogeneous multistate survival Markov models and birth-death processes with catastrophic extinction) as well as Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) methodologies for complex likelihood-free model calibration within the Bayesian setting. Dr Twumasi is currently a reviewer for top Q1 journals (which focus on econometric modelling and machine learning predictions). This includes the International Journal of Forecasting, PLOS ONE and PLOS Computational Biology Journals, where he reviews papers on time-series predictions using state-of-the-art time series models and machine learning techniques (with specific applications to blood supply chain) as well as works on mathematical biology/infectious disease modelling.
His postdoctoral position at Oxford University Statistics Department was connected to a BBSRC-funded research project developing a methodology for deep phenotyping based on latent stochastic processes, with applications in human health, genomics, and ageing. While nearing the completion of his PhD at Cardiff and before starting his postdoctoral studies in Oxford, he was first employed as a Biostatistics Research Assistant at the Oxford University Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology, and Musculoskeletal Sciences (NDORMS). The Oxford University NDORMS post focused on biostatistics research involving the mathematical modelling of musculoskeletal disorders (specifically, Metabolic bone diseases) using clinical data from observational studies and routinely collected medical records. He obtained his MPhil degree in Statistics at the University of Ghana with a brilliant academic track record, where his MPhil research was awarded the best research in mathematics in 2018 among all universities in Ghana. Dr Twumasi was selected among the 200 most exceptional mathematicians and computer scientists worldwide of their generation by international experts for the 8th Heidelberg Laureate Forum, Germany 2021 during his PhD studies.
Dr Clement also has expertise in statistical and mathematical modelling, which includes but is not limited to: Stochastic modelling, Multistate Survival modelling, Regression modelling (fixed and random-effect models for cross-sectional and longitudinal/panel data, respectively), Disease modelling (both deterministic and stochastic class of models), Functional Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Markov Models, Bayesian Networks, Approximate Bayesian Computation, Time series models, Credit Risk Modelling/ Credit Scorecard Building, and other general statistical analysis (Univariate and Multivariate analyses). He has a robust background in mathematics and statistics, with a wide range of mathematical modelling and computational expertise across diverse application areas. Clement has developed new interests in clinical trial studies, and one of his long-term career goals is to establish a career and expertise in trial methodologies; in addition to becoming a lecturer/professor in Statistics/Mathematics coupled with statistical consultancy services in the foreseeable future.
Oxford University Website: click here
Medawar Website (Oxford University): click here
Personal Profile Link/CV: click here
Personal Website: click here
Online programming school: click here
LinkedIn Profile: click here
YouTube Channel: click here
Twitter: click here
Recent publications
Twumasi C. et al, (2024), Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 86
Twumasi C. et al, (2023), Eur J Haematol
Twumasi C. et al, (2022), Parasites & Vectors, 15
Twumasi C. and Twumasi J., (2022), International Journal of Forecasting, 38, 1258 - 1277
Mettle FO. et al, (2020), Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases, 2020, 1 - 16