MDT Meeting
Multidisciplinary Team Meeting (MDT)
Additional participating sites may join the meeting by linking in with the MDT with advance notice. This is done by setting up a video link from the Location: Level 1, Histopathology room, opposite ITU at the JR Hospital meeting room. The IgG4-RD Multidisciplinary Team Meeting (MDT) occurs monthly. It is co-chaired by Professor Ellie Barnes (Oxford) and Dr George Webster (UCL) and attended by IgG4-RD experts from different clinical backgrounds including Radiology, Pathology, Immunology, Gastroenterology, Rheumatology and others. Clinical decisions are made based on reviews of clinical documentation such as case notes, test results, diagnostic imaging and other medical reports. This ensures that the diagnosis of IgG4-RD is correct and that the best care pathways for patients can be implemented.
If you wish to refer a patient to the MDT please contact the IgG4 Related Disease MDT Coordinator and complete the attached form below. Referrals should be sent to so patient details are secure.
If you wish to make an referral or wish to discuss a patient at
the MDT meeting, please download the MDT form here.
Future MDT dates:
- Friday 14th August 2020
- Friday 4th September 2020
- Friday 2nd October 2020
- Friday 6th November 2020
- Friday 4th December 2020