The Experimental Medicine Division is a collection of research groups within the Nuffield Department of Medicine who are based at a number of sites including the John Radcliffe Hospital, the Peter Medawar Building for Pathogen Research, the Churchill Hospital, the Old Road Campus, the Nuffield Orthopaedic Hospital and the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine.
Our researchers seek to understand the pathophysiology of disease and apply this knowledge to develop enhanced diagnostics and treatments for human disease. Our research spans fundamental basic science to translational and experimental medicine approaches including clinical trials. Areas of focus includes immunology, behavioural science, infectious diseases, gastroenterology, palliative care and respiratory medicine.
TWiM 303: Can our microbiome break our hearts?
4 March 2024
Fitness compensation in m.tuberculosis: a game of genetic chess
27 February 2024
Early NK-cell and T-cell dysfunction marks progression to severe dengue in patients with obesity and healthy weight
Gregorova M. et al, (2024)
The effect of supplemental oxygen and continuous positive airway pressure withdrawal on endocan levels
Journal article
Turnbull CD. et al, (2024), Sleep and Breathing
Developing a novel approach to complex evolution of antimicrobial resistance via mobile genetic elements from a persistent environmental biofilm
Mathers A. et al, (2024)