Sanjay Ramakrishnan
Clinical Researcher
Sanjay Ramakrishnan is a clinical research fellow researching exacerbations of obstructive lung disease at the Nuffield Department of Medicine. He is also completing a PhD via Edith Cowan University in Australia.
Recent publications
P181 Bactericidal/ permeability-increasing protein is present in plasma of stable and exacerbating COPD patients
Wong YY. et al, (2024), ‘Catching Fire’ – Measuring and targeting inflammation in COPD, A216.1 - A216
S63 Eosinophilic inflammation at exacerbations of COPD is associated with less dynamic troponin rises in the 30 days post exacerbation
Dobson P. et al, (2024), ‘Firestarter’ – Inflammation, mechanisms and biomarkers in COPD, A49.1 - A49
S109 Treating eosinophilic exacerbations of asthma and COPD with benralizumab: a double blind, double dummy, active-placebo controlled randomised trial (ABRA)
Ramakrishnan S. et al, (2024), ‘The Famous Five’ – Emerging clinical trial data, A76.2 - A77
T6 Exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) predicts clinical and anti-inflammatory response to prednisolone for breakthrough attacks in anti-IL5/IL5R treated asthma
Howell I. et al, (2024), BTS/BALR/A+LUK Early Career Investigator Award Symposium, A5.2 - A6
Watchful waiting in laryngo‐tracheobronchial amyloid: A case report
Beinart D. et al, (2024), Respirology Case Reports, 12