Michael Fu
DPhil Student
Michael is an intercalating Dean's List medical student from Imperial College London. His research interests range from surgery to medical education, but he is particularly interested in the hepatitis B virus (HBV). He previously investigated the quality of life of patients with HBV.
Michael is furthering his interest in HBV by reading for a DPhil in Clinical Medicine supervised by Dr Heli Harvala, Dr Monique Andersson, and Prof Peter Simmonds. His research, funded by NIHR, focuses on improving the diagnosis of occult hepatitis B infection (OBI). OBI can be transmitted through blood transfusions and liver transplantations, where fatal complications in recipients have occurred in the immunosuppressed. Michael is investigating the biomarkers associated with OBI transmission, where results could lead to better identification of potentially infectious donations and improve the sustainability of our blood and organ supplies.
Outside of research, Michael enjoys teaching and playing the violin. He regularly delivers tutorials and demonstrates in practical classes for medical and biomedical students. He holds the John Health Scholarship from St John's College and has actively played in orchestras and ensembles, including the Oxford Philharmonic Orchestra and as Leader of the Oxford University Philharmonia.
Recent publications
Patient voices and student insights into LGBTQ+ healthcare: a call for equitable healthcare through medical education
Fu MX. et al, (2024), Medical Education Online, 29
International review of blood donation screening for anti‐HBc and occult hepatitis B virus infection
Fu MX. et al, (2024), Transfusion
A need for confirmatory testing of isolated HBcAb-positive results in screening programs
Fu MX. et al, (2024), Hepatology Communications, 8
Reconstruction of the historic time course of blood‐borne virus contamination of clotting factor concentrates, 1974–1992
McClure CP. et al, (2024), Journal of Medical Virology, 96
Biomarkers of transfusion transmitted occult hepatitis B virus infection: Where are we and what next?
Fu MX. et al, (2024), Reviews in Medical Virology, 34