Contact information
Derek Jewell
Derek Jewell leads the research into genetic susceptibility of inflammatory bowel disease and on T cell epitopes of gliadin responsible for coeliac disease.
However, he has now retired from clinical work and has only part-time employment with the University. Two research fellows are being co-supervised with Professor Alison Simmons in WIMM.
Recent publications
Association of caspase-9 and RUNX3 with inflammatory bowel disease.
Guo C. et al, (2011), Tissue Antigens, 77, 23 - 29
Comprehensive, quantitative mapping of T cell epitopes in gluten in celiac disease.
Tye-Din JA. et al, (2010), Sci Transl Med, 2
The genetics of NOD-like receptors in Crohn's disease.
Cummings JRF. et al, (2010), Tissue Antigens, 76, 48 - 56
Genome-wide association study of CNVs in 16,000 cases of eight common diseases and 3,000 shared controls
Craddock N. et al, (2010), Nature, 464, 713 - 720
Genome-wide association study of ulcerative colitis identifies three new susceptibility loci, including the HNF4A region
(2009), Nature Genetics, 41, 1330 - 1334