Other IgG4-RD Studies
Other IgG4-RD Studies
Translational Studies
- Glycosylation status in IgG4-RD
- Gene Expression analysis in IgG4-RD
- Fibrosis markers and pathways in IgG4-RD
- The role of allergy and IgE in IgG4-RD
- B and T cell immunology in IgG4-RD
Clinical Studies
Clinical studies in progress
- MITIGATE study
- The role of the IgG4 MDM
- Second line Immunosuppressant therapies in IgG4-RD
- MRCP in PSC and IgG4-SC (MOBILISE study)
- HLA associations in IgG4-RD (Multi-centre UK Study)
- IgG4 and malignancy
- IgG4 in Adult and Paediatric Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC)
- IgG4 in Autoimmune Liver Disease
- IgG4 in Colitis
The following clinicians, fellows and students have contributed to these clinical research projects;
Dr. Emma Culver (Oxford)
Dr. Rory Peters (Oxford)
Dr George Webster (UCL)
Dr. George Goodchild (UCL)
Dr. Tamsin Cargill (Oxford)
Dr. Charis Manganis (Oxford)
Dr. Emmanuel Selveraj (Oxford)
Dr. Kate Lynch (Oxford)
Dr. Nathan Atkinson (Oxford)
Dr. Astor Rodriguez (Oxford)
Dr Sinisa Savić (Leeds)
Dr David Gorard (Bucks)
Dr Nishchay Chandra (RBH)
Dr Adrian Bateman (Southampton)
Miss Antonia Hamilton-Shield
Mr Samuel Henderson