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The collective voice of early phase COVID-19 vaccine trial participants: Insights for improving confidence in novel vaccines.

Journal article

Thomas TM. et al, (2023), Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics, 19

Systematic review of the diagnosis and management of necrotising otitis externa: Highlighting the need for high-quality research.

Journal article

Takata J. et al, (2023), Clinical otolaryngology : official journal of ENT-UK ; official journal of Netherlands Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology & Cervico-Facial Surgery, 48, 381 - 394

UK consensus definitions for necrotising otitis externa: a Delphi study.

Journal article

Hodgson SH. et al, (2023), BMJ Open, 13

Characteristics, management and outcome of a large necrotising otitis externa case series: need for standardised case definition

Journal article

Hodgson SH. et al, (2022), The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 136, 604 - 610

Incidental findings in UK healthy volunteers screened for a COVID-19 vaccine trial.

Journal article

Hodgson SH. et al, (2022), Clinical and translational science, 15, 524 - 534

Co-producing Human and Animal Experimental Subjects: Exploring the Views of UK COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Participants on Animal Testing

Journal article

Vanderslott S. et al, (2021), Science, Technology, & Human Values, 016224392110570 - 016224392110570

Vaccine nationalism and internationalism: perspectives of COVID-19 vaccine trial participants in the United Kingdom

Journal article

Vanderslott S. et al, (2021), BMJ Global Health, 6, e006305 - e006305