Identification of Biomarkers for Differentiation of Hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae from Classical K. pneumoniae
Russo TA., Olson R., Fang C-T., Stoesser N., Miller M., MacDonald U., Hutson A., Barker JH., La Hoz RM., Johnson JR., Backer M., Bajwa R., Catanzaro AT., Crook D., de Almeda K., Fierer J., Greenberg DE., Klevay M., Patel P., Ratner A., Wang J-T., Zola J.
A hypervirulentKlebsiella pneumoniae(hvKp) pathotype is undergoing global dissemination. In contrast to the usual health care-associated epidemiology of classicalK. pneumoniae(cKp) infections, hvKp causes tissue-invasive infections in otherwise healthy individuals from the community, often involving multiple sites.