Resection techniques for small colonic polyps: Cold forceps polypectomy, hot biopsy, cold snare and hot snare
East JE.
The majority of polyps encountered at colonoscopy are less than 10 mm in diameter. A range of techniques for resecting these small lesions are described in this article. Cold forceps polypectomy can be used for diminutive lesions less than 3 mm in size. Hot biopsy is also demonstrated; however, it is no longer recommended as a resection technique for small polyps. Cold snaring including a small rim of normal tissue is shown. Hot snare can be applied to lesions larger than 7 mm in size. Cold snaring has become the standard technique for most small lesions due to speed, comprehensive resection, and safety. This article is part of an expert video encyclopedia. © 2013 Elsevier GmbH.