Aflagellated spermatozoa of Huhentomon and Acerella (Protura : Apterygota)
Dallai R., Xué L., Yin WY.
The spermatozoa of Huhentomon plicatunguis (Protura : Hesperentomidae) and Acerella tiarnea (Protura : Acerellidae) are aflagellate and of simple structure. An ovoidal nucleus with condensed chromatin is located at the end of the cell; the cytoplasm is devoid of organelles, except for mitochondria, and contains compact material derived from centriolar adjunct-like material. Centriole and mitochondrial cristae degenerate during spermiogenesis. These results show that the evolutionary trends of proturan spermatozoa tend towards aflagellate state. © 1990.